
Specials define rule based price modifiers to support discounting of products.

Specials can be either a percentage or a fixed amount.

Specials apply for a specified date range

Specials can be applied to:

  • Products - specific products

  • Categories - all Products assigned to a category

  • Collections - all Products assigned to a collection

Portal View

View Specials

Assess the Special screen in the console via the console navigation bar.

Add New Special

Click Add New to create a new special

Specified a:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Special Type: Percentage or Fixed Amount

  • Amount (based on Special Type)

  • Date Range (from and to)

Click Submit to create the new special.

Edit Special

Additional Details are specified including the definition of Rules that determined which products specials apply to. Specials can apply to specific products or all products assigned to specifed Categories or Collections.

Click Save to commit your modifications.

Specials Properties

Last updated